
正面にオリジナルのRatFinkデザイン、背面に「SECRETBASE / RAT FiNK」の文字とエド・ロスのコピーライトプリントが入っており、
The motif from RAT FINK RING and SECRETBASE arrange the design.
And in this time, it comes as glass made cup.
Height is about 11.5 cm x Width is about 7.5cm around and the width of the grip part is about 1.5cm.
There are different print designed glass mug is also on sale at the same time.
Please kindly check.
This is official licensed item.
注意事項 >
※ONLINE STOREからご注文のお客様は、商品購入後、自動送信メールが来た段階ではまだご注文は完了されていません。こちらから2通目のメール(もしくはPAYPALのご請求書)を送らせて頂きますので、それまでお待ち下さい。
※ 50度以上の熱湯を注ぐとひび割れ・破損の原因になります。
※ 電子レンジやオーブン、食洗機は使用しないでください。
※ ガラス陶器です。叩く他強い衝撃を加えると破損する恐れがございます。取り扱いには十分ご注意ください。
※ 小さなお子様のそばには置かないようにおいてください。
【 Please be sure to read 】
* As for the International order, please mail to info@secret-b.com with your info and the title you want to buy.
* Please provide full info we need when you place your order ,otherwise, we give the priority to another customer.
* Please read this page http://www.secret-b.com/page/1 if you are the first time customer.
* We may not offer you the stock in the case this toys is sold out quickly because we accept all orders from first come.
* We have the right to cancel your order or we may not accept your all and every orders to buy the same toy.
* We can not accept returning because of the damages on the package.
*This is official licensed item.
* We can't accept the return or refund based on the reasons of the customer's issue like size is not what customer expected.
* Don't pour the liquid or heat over 50 degrees. It will cause the clack or damages.
* Don't use microwave oven, head up oven and dishwasher with this cup.
* This is glass made and fragile. Don't add impact on it otherwise it will be clacked for damaged.
* Don't put this item near to the kids.


Copyright ? SECRET BASE ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.