【1/1 SKULL HEAD CHROME White Ver. 】
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頭蓋骨を1/1スケールで立体化したSECRETBASEオリジナルソフビ1/1 SKULL HEADの新色が登場です。
”QUALITY ORIGINALS”アイテム、この機会に是非お買い求めください!
【Please be sure to read】
*As for the International order, please mail to info@secret-b.com with your info and the title you want to buy.
*Please read this page http://www.secret-b.com/page/1 if you are the first time customer.
*We don't receive this order before we put on this item the web site for sale.
*We may not be able to offer you the stock in the case this item is sold out quickly.
*We have the right to cancel your order or we may not accept your all and every orders to buy the same items.
*Please make an order and payment by the same customer.
* Don’t keep putting and displaying this item near to hot or worm places like inside the car. It will cause damage or deformation.
* We can’t accept the refund or exchange for the reason of the quality of clear soft vinyl like bubble inside.
* We can not accept returning because of the damages on the package.
Please take care to handle this chrome.
* This chrome may easy to pull off if you add pressure or crash and impact by fall off and so on.
* The bottom of the surface may has the scratches but not it's not defective.
* The chrome items with uneven color applications or original scratches while producing are not defective. (We can't accept the return or exchange for this reasons.)
Copyright ? SECRET BASE ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.