
【Monster Mash Cereal 50th Anniversary 9.6oz】

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販売価格:3,080円 (税込)

アメリカの朝食シリアルといえば「モンスターシリアル」ですが、今年で50周年を迎えます。そんなアニバーサリーイヤーを記念して、50周年限定シリアルが登場しました!「Mash / マッシュアップ」ということで、シリアルフレークがミックスされている上に、パッケージも「カウントウント・チョコア、フランケンベリー、ブーベリー、フルーツブルート、ヤミーマミー」の5キャラがバンドを組んで全員集合しています!


・SECRETBASE GINZA店頭でもお取り扱い中ですので状態を気にされる場合は是非店頭でご確認の上でご購入お願いいたします。

SIZE: H260mm x W195mm x D50mm

* This is imported item and so the price may be changed later because of currency issue.
* There may be the damages on the package because this item is imported. We can't exchange or refund for the reason of this issue so please agree this when you order and be attention in advance.
* SECRETBASE GINZA stores deals the same items for now. If you care the conditions and have a chance to come, please visit SECRETBASE GINZA.
* We imported this it as display item and not for eating.
* You can eat before expiry date but we can't guarantee if some problems may happen like allergy issues.



【Please be sure to read】
*As for the International Order, please mail to info@secret-b.com with your ordering info clearly.
*Please read this page http://www.secret-b.com/page/1 if you are first time customer.
*We don't receive this order before put on the web site.
*No Refunds, No Return, No exchange for the reason of the damages on the package and the quality of this item.
*This is imported item from USA.
*We can't accept the return exchange or the refund based on the damaged issue.
*We can't guarantee any issue based on the customer eats this cereal.



Copyright ? SECRET BASE ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.